Sunday, July 4, 2010

It was hard today!!!

Okay, I have to admit I did not want to run today. I thought about using the excuse that it was a holiday and Sunday. Then I thought about my goal. Then about the clothes I fit into yesterday, I Suwanee....okay I will get dressed.

I drank a few sips of Gatorade and off I go. It is so hard this morning. "Maybe I ran too much yesterday and my body is telling me to not do this". I am very good at rationalizing what I don't want to do. I sprint, stop, do my stretches and on to the mountain. Okay, for those people who live out west this is not a mountain. But, hey, I live just north of Atlanta, Georgia, this could be a mountain :-). I start up the hill, Dena-my instructor, voice is ringing in my head. "Yes, you are going to make it up this hill"!. Well, almost up the hill. My lungs are burning. I am bending forward I know not allowing the oxygen I need. I have to walk for just a few steps. But today, the steps are less than yesterday. I am only looking down, the thought of trying to look at the goal is too much for me. Just one step in front of the other. "You can make" say Dena, my virtual instructor.

I am at the top. "I can do this" I scream elated to myself. I am in my zone. Around the curve and I am jogging upright. I even am getting some of the fresh breath I need by breathing in through my nose. Yeah!!! I turn back to the main road. "Oh, no, not another hill!" Really it is just a very small hill but my legs are starting to feel very weak. "I am not sure I can make it today". "I think I should turn back or I may have to crawl home". "No, I started this and I am going to finish". I am really having a lot of conversation with myself. Thank you Lord, I am going down the hill (a real hill). My legs are feeling better, I may just make this.

The next part of my run is flat with only a small hill. Up the hill I go and I am again at a flat span. And here comes another small hill. "Why did I move to this subdivision?", I ask myself. I am at the last fourth of my run. Gosh I love the flat areas and am so thankful for both. I head back towards home. And of course, there is the last small hill. "You own this run, you can do this, just one step at a time" my virtual instructor encourages. I am looking down, okay just get to the fire hydrant, the mailbox, the next mailbox. I am at the top, yeah!! Dena smiles and says "you did it". I now am heading to the grass still wet from the morning dew. I LOVE that wet grass.

I drop to the ground and start my sit ups. I am going strong. Turn over and up for push ups. I am on fire now. Then obliques push ups and sit ups. Now for my favorite down. I so enjoy those stretches.

At home, I am so thankful that I did not like my lazy inner self talk me out of my run today. I am heading to my goal. I am going to fit and thin!!!!!

Til tomorrow my fellow readers. And have a great Fourth of July

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