Friday, July 9, 2010

I Think I Can I Think I Can

Today I wake up at 4:58 am and am in a panic. "Oh my gosh, I forgot to set my alarm". I throw the sheet back and just as I start to get up, I remember that today is not OBC. It is too dark for me for run alone so I turn back over.

I wake up a little later and quickly arise. I am heading to get dressed when my bad side starts to say something. I abruptly turn to her and give her THAT look. You know the one. She turns and walks away. I dress and out the door.

As I start, my legs start to complain. "If you start in on me today, I am going to make this a two mile run" I say in an irritated voice. "Why can you not be like the lungs"? "They get just as tired as you but they have agreed to not to complain". I think my lungs just stuck their tongue out at the legs. Boy, my son is 26 years old but I guess Mother talk says with you.

The little speech must have worked because the legs are moving ever so quietly. I proceed through the warm up, stretches and now I am off to the mountain. I have decided to take a different mental approach toward my mountain. I am going to start with a slower jog and if I just have to stop for a moment than that is less than yesterday. I am making my way past my usual stopping point. I am past it. Within only a few steps, I am at a very slow jog. Okay, it is a walk. Virtual Dena is encouraging me "keep your arms moving wide and grab some fresh air". "You can do it". I gain my breath and I am back jogging. Yesterday when I almost had my head cropped off by the crepe myrtle, I learned my lesson. I am looking forward today. I see the crepe myrtle. *Hey people this is a sidewalk, cut back your tree" I would like to tell the owners. Since I am thinking about my conversation with of the homeowners I don't realize I have made it to the top of the mountain. I make my turn. My lungs are working great. The legs are still very quiet. But just to remind the legs to continue their silence I add the cul-de-sac into the run. I add it but not really because of my legs. My fellow camper has asked me to run with them on the weekends. They run 4 miles! So I have got to quickly add a little distance to my run. I want to be a bad mam-a-jam-a too.

I am making my second turn. I am really enjoying this run. Virtual Dena is jogging beside me. Today she is my running partner, it's nice. As I top the peak of this mound (or small hill) I look out of the mountains. I have been concentrating on just keeping my legs moving for these last few runs that I had forgotten how beautiful it is. It really must be better to look up when you run. There is such beauty that the concrete sidewalk just does not offer. Hey, I think that is the antenna of Sweat Mountain in Marietta. I used to live near it and drove up the mountain once. I remember thinking to myself, "if there was a loose railing on your deck, I just hope that someone would be coming home soon". "Because if it broke, the next time they might see you would be at the morgue". "It would take days to find someone". It is beautiful view off that mountain though.

I have made it downhill and am halfway. Back up a hill. I told you this subdivision might kill a newbie camper. And on the sidewalk, a fresh pile of yard cuttings. "What is it with the yard trash"? "I guess runners, walkers, maturing adults, and babies in strollers are just not important". "So what if they have to get in the street with oncoming traffic"?

I am once again so engrossed in my conversation with the homeowners in my head that I don't realize that I have now made it to the bottom of the hill. Alright, the last quarter of my run! I am in my zone. Dena is still keeping with my slower pace. I make it around the turn, the next turn and back to the homestretch. I turn the corner and THERE is the last hill that my mind freaks out on. Dena is watching my face. "You can do this, just one foot at a time". "I think I can, I think I can". "I know I can, I know I can". I am the little running engine and I am making it. I am at the top. I make that last turn. I can see my yard. My legs are now sprinting without me having to encourage. Ah, cool wet oasis of green. "Come to me, I will embrace you with wet dew" it seducingly calls to me. I am almost there. I leave the sidewalk and sprinting to the shaded cool area. "I love you cool wet grass" I tell it.

I lie for a brief moment basking in the dew. It is such a wonderful feeling. I start my sit ups, I am pushing hard. With a horrible grimace on my face I finish 42 boot camp sit ups. I now start my oblique sit ups, two different variations. I transition to my push ups. I complete 30 and have to move to modified ones for the wide arm push ups. I just am not yet strong enough for real ones.

And then cool down. Wonderful loving cool down. Today I am so proud of my legs, they worked with me. And I tell them. Now it is their turn to stick their tongue out at the lungs.

And as always....til tomorrow...keep a smile on your face, a song in your heart and healthy food at your fingertips.

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