Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I AM Going To Make It Up That Mountain

This morning was an "on my own" run. I think I mentioned that I had worked a long day on Monday. I have a deadline to meet this afternoon so last night was a late night. I just could not get up at 4:50am.

It is amazing how good and bad live inside our self. My lazy (bad) side tells me first thing "you can miss today". Thank goodness for my good side "you are doing so good, don't stop now". The good side wins out.

I dress and I am telling myself I am going to make that mountain today. Yes, I am going to do it!!! I start off with a light jog to warm my muscles...they are a little tight and sore from yesterday. I do my stretches and I am off. My virtual instructor Dena shows up. "You can do this today, I know you can". I am running..I am going to do this. I am the little engine that could as my instructor refers to me. I am going up that mountain. I pass the place where I usually give out. Yea, and then a few steps and I have to walk...I suwannee. "Keep your arms moving, you can do this" Dena encourages me. "What are you doing?" my legs are asking me. "You worked us too hard yesterday. "Us too" screams my hips. Just turn off the brain I tell myself. Dena nows adds "you have to get past your comfort zone". "Hey, I got dressed and am running". "That is where past my comfort zone today". I know she is right. So I continue to move forward.

I am pushing, putting one foot in front of the other. I am only looking at the sidewalk. I know if I look at that top of this mountain I will let my brain turn back on. "What the heck?" I am hit in the face and then the head. Okay, don't take my advice, look up. I just ran into a crepe myrtle and then the sprinkler.

I am at the top of the mountain....I kinda did it? Thank you for level ground, I want to get down and kiss it. I am in my zone now. I had mentioned to Dena about having an OBC here in my subdivision. I am now rethinking this. We don't have a lot of level ground and I would be responsible for killing a camper :-).

I am writing this blog and my blog for work in my head now. Everything is working just fine. My breathing technique is even getting better. Around the curve and on to the small hill. My ankle is now complaining but I keep moving. What is it with the body parts today? I really wish they would keep their opinion to themselves.

I am one-half of the way through and I am doing it. My legs are complaining again. So my good side speaks up "you know you are naive and yesterday even you finally realized that you were being hit on by that man". Yes, I was being hit on and I am not a flirt. But it was nice. "I don't remember you calling your best friend last month to tell her of any such incident" my good side reminds me. "This working out is really showing" she says. "You can do this". What, does my good side and Dena have a pack?

I am now on the down hill heading to the last quarter of my run. "I really wish people would put their cut limbs and stuff on the street". Now I am getting a tired and getting a little bitter. But I keep running. I am on the last leg (no pone intended) of my run. My legs are now screaming at me. Why when you need them the most do they want to bail on you? "My lungs are doing great, why can't you be like the lungs" I yell back at my legs. Dena must sense my distress. "Just keep moving, keep running". I am running I tell her and then I look down. My legs have decide to disconnect with my brain and they are just walking. I slap them back into my brain control. "We are going to finish this run..running" I tell them. "Just turn your brain off" I tell myself.

I can see the wet grass. Oh my wet grass. It is calling to me. I am sprinting at this point to lie in that wet grass. My legs have shut up and we run to the place we will call rest. I am down, I am starting my situps. I break my record from the last few days..40 today. Then over for abs -pushups on elbows and I am rocking. I count to 30. Then my obliques, I twist my hips kinda of touching the ground. I am tired...It is now time for cool down. I am moving to my stretches. I complete my runners stretch and move into my next stretch. I cannot move to the next stretch.."You told me to turn off" my smart alec brain tells me. "Cute, real cute" I respond back. "Turn back on so I can finish this cool down".

I am finished and ready to move to the next part of my day. I have this blog to write, my work blog and then a lunch meeting.

Tomorrow I will be back at OBC, I really need my fellow campers and live instructors to push me. There my brain and body keep their mouths shut.

Til tomorrow......have a great and happy day.


  1. Jan - you are correct! The most damaging organ in our bodies is our "brain"! Our own brain puts limitations on us that are gravely short of success!

    Keep running toward your fast and thin!

    Just love you!

  2. WOW!! You are doing AWESOME!! Very Inspiring!! Keep it up! You may just get some DENA ARMS! :) I wish I could just buy those from her and attach them to me! Haha!
