Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This Week of Being on My Own

This week I have been on my own. It is amazing how your body longs for exercise after it becomes acclimated to it. On Sunday, I ate unhealthy and I felt horrible. Not angry or disappointed in myself, but just horrible. I am taking this as a good sign.

I went to grocery store to replenish my pantry and refrigerator with healthy eats again. On Monday, I started back to my regime and today I feel energized. I woke up early and when the sun rises I will begin my run.

I have decided that for myself I need to set goals. To keep myself on track for OBC starting near my home in September (due to school schedule I will not be able to attend the one I started with) I must set an August goal. I have now ran almost 3 miles when I was at the beach, on flat ground. And I have ran over 2 miles in my mountainous neighborhood. So I think I am getting my goal for 3 miles run in my neighborhood, projecting to run a 5K in the fall.

Do you really think I could make an instructor for OBC by October?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday Morning...Getting back in the Groove

It is really amazing. I can feel my hip bones. A part of my body that used to stick out so much that I would be embarrassed. Please let me be that embarrassed again.

I am in a groove. When I was on vacation and I would not eat so well, I felt horrible. I like clean eating now. This is a term that my friend and I use. I feel so much better when I am eating healthy combinations.

Yesterday was my birthday and I was overwhelmed with work after being on vacation. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth taking vacation for you work yourself to death before you leave and upon returning. Then you need another vacation from being overworked.

Today, back on track I will plan my meals. I love eating six times a day. Then head to the grocery store at some point to replenish the refrigerator and pantry.

I am looking so forward to continued success. I am really starting to myself again...

Til tomorrow....keep on smiling... even when it rains sunshine follows

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thursday All Is Good

For me this blog is a God send. I have to tell you if I thought no one was reading I would let myself not exercise. But I know that I am now accountable to you. So to my readers, I thank you.

Still at the beach so water activities again today. My arms are so sore from swimming, building sand designs (yesterday the fort to protect, today a huge wedding cake, tomorrow a city) and pulling children. We can't compete with the people two umbrellas down but we can create so form of sand building. Theirs are fantastic. One is a VW beetle that has run into a sand ditch, all details even to the license plate. The second design they have completed is a mermaid with seaweed as her hair. The last is a detailed sand castle with ramps to the different levels. Today they have started on a pyramid. I will try to take photos to share with you.

It is funny how I no longer have real desires for unhealthy food. I am so thankful. I found out yesterday that my OBC will be starting a new camp near my home. Yeah!

I think that everyone should try a new fish recipe this week. Try cleaneating.org and look for a recipe that works for your favorite fish. I am inspired by the ocean.

Til tomorrow.....smile at someone you pass on the street. Take a prepared dish to your neighbor or assist a coworker today. Life is good so share the love.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Water Aerobics

These last few days have been filled with water activities. Yesterday I did run 3 miles which I was so excited about. I did note that to run in Florida you need to run earlier than 8:30 am. When I returned I was nauseated. Not sure if this was from a few sips of Gatorade before I left or heat. But tomorrow when I return to my run I will plan to leave earlier.

I have varied my exercises this week because the water in the pool or water park is so warm and inviting. I have thrown my 4 year old great nephew in the water that I honestly do not think I could lift a 5 lb. weight.

Family is so important. We have had the best time. With entertaining both a great niece and nephew I have swam more laps than I realized I could.

To keep up the energy needed to pull them in the oceans, fight the waves, walks down the beach and stairs to the lighthouse; I am thankful that I started OBC. And so glad that I now know how to fuel my body by eating every 2 hours. You can now set an alarm by my eating habits. My hunger bell goes off every 2 hours and just a small amount of food is enough It is so hard to really believe that you eat more to lose weight.

Til tomorrow....rest, sleep well and dream in brilliant colors.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello Monday

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I am on vacation, kinda. This morning my ole bad side almost won me over. How could I honestly ever fall for anything she says? She was very convincing. Enters my good side to save the day, or should I save the exercise plan

I was fortunate that this morning's run involved no hill. I began my run, my stretches and hit the beach. Yes, the beach. The breeze is blowing, the sun is shining and the beach we are staying on is a cape that has very little occupants. I am running. I spot the tracks from the beach cleanup truck and fall into these for my path. I can look down at the sand as there are definitely no trees to hit me.

Today I am not writing my blogs in my head. I am mesmerized by the rhythm of the waves. Entranced with only the clashing of waves, I can feel the imprisonments of life opening its gates to freedom. No responsibility, no deadlines, only the detox of me. With each step that I take I am running to a complete freedom , for a week.

I finally look up and I set my goal. As I reach it, I turn to head back to the house. I look forward to set my new goal and quickly realize that I may have overestimated my distance. I cannot see our house. I encourage myself and keep the steady pace I have set with the waves. Halfway back, my buttocks are burning. My calves are burning also, but I forge forward.

I finally reach the stairs that will lead me back to the road. As I top the stairs I can see grass. This is the place I usually long for but not today. I had noticed yesterday a sign near the ponds "Beware snakes". I think I will just stay on the landing and finish with push ups and cool down.

I walk back to the house, exhausted. I know that today I will be busy with my 4 year old great nephew playing on the beach and in the pool. I decide that tomorrow will be swimming to change up my routine. As I entered the kitchen I quickly grab the Gatorade and the rest is now history.

Til tomorrow....follow yourself to a place of relaxation and happiness.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I Think I Can I Think I Can

Today I wake up at 4:58 am and am in a panic. "Oh my gosh, I forgot to set my alarm". I throw the sheet back and just as I start to get up, I remember that today is not OBC. It is too dark for me for run alone so I turn back over.

I wake up a little later and quickly arise. I am heading to get dressed when my bad side starts to say something. I abruptly turn to her and give her THAT look. You know the one. She turns and walks away. I dress and out the door.

As I start, my legs start to complain. "If you start in on me today, I am going to make this a two mile run" I say in an irritated voice. "Why can you not be like the lungs"? "They get just as tired as you but they have agreed to not to complain". I think my lungs just stuck their tongue out at the legs. Boy, my son is 26 years old but I guess Mother talk says with you.

The little speech must have worked because the legs are moving ever so quietly. I proceed through the warm up, stretches and now I am off to the mountain. I have decided to take a different mental approach toward my mountain. I am going to start with a slower jog and if I just have to stop for a moment than that is less than yesterday. I am making my way past my usual stopping point. I am past it. Within only a few steps, I am at a very slow jog. Okay, it is a walk. Virtual Dena is encouraging me "keep your arms moving wide and grab some fresh air". "You can do it". I gain my breath and I am back jogging. Yesterday when I almost had my head cropped off by the crepe myrtle, I learned my lesson. I am looking forward today. I see the crepe myrtle. *Hey people this is a sidewalk, cut back your tree" I would like to tell the owners. Since I am thinking about my conversation with of the homeowners I don't realize I have made it to the top of the mountain. I make my turn. My lungs are working great. The legs are still very quiet. But just to remind the legs to continue their silence I add the cul-de-sac into the run. I add it but not really because of my legs. My fellow camper has asked me to run with them on the weekends. They run 4 miles! So I have got to quickly add a little distance to my run. I want to be a bad mam-a-jam-a too.

I am making my second turn. I am really enjoying this run. Virtual Dena is jogging beside me. Today she is my running partner, it's nice. As I top the peak of this mound (or small hill) I look out of the mountains. I have been concentrating on just keeping my legs moving for these last few runs that I had forgotten how beautiful it is. It really must be better to look up when you run. There is such beauty that the concrete sidewalk just does not offer. Hey, I think that is the antenna of Sweat Mountain in Marietta. I used to live near it and drove up the mountain once. I remember thinking to myself, "if there was a loose railing on your deck, I just hope that someone would be coming home soon". "Because if it broke, the next time they might see you would be at the morgue". "It would take days to find someone". It is beautiful view off that mountain though.

I have made it downhill and am halfway. Back up a hill. I told you this subdivision might kill a newbie camper. And on the sidewalk, a fresh pile of yard cuttings. "What is it with the yard trash"? "I guess runners, walkers, maturing adults, and babies in strollers are just not important". "So what if they have to get in the street with oncoming traffic"?

I am once again so engrossed in my conversation with the homeowners in my head that I don't realize that I have now made it to the bottom of the hill. Alright, the last quarter of my run! I am in my zone. Dena is still keeping with my slower pace. I make it around the turn, the next turn and back to the homestretch. I turn the corner and THERE is the last hill that my mind freaks out on. Dena is watching my face. "You can do this, just one foot at a time". "I think I can, I think I can". "I know I can, I know I can". I am the little running engine and I am making it. I am at the top. I make that last turn. I can see my yard. My legs are now sprinting without me having to encourage. Ah, cool wet oasis of green. "Come to me, I will embrace you with wet dew" it seducingly calls to me. I am almost there. I leave the sidewalk and sprinting to the shaded cool area. "I love you cool wet grass" I tell it.

I lie for a brief moment basking in the dew. It is such a wonderful feeling. I start my sit ups, I am pushing hard. With a horrible grimace on my face I finish 42 boot camp sit ups. I now start my oblique sit ups, two different variations. I transition to my push ups. I complete 30 and have to move to modified ones for the wide arm push ups. I just am not yet strong enough for real ones.

And then cool down. Wonderful loving cool down. Today I am so proud of my legs, they worked with me. And I tell them. Now it is their turn to stick their tongue out at the lungs.

And as always....til tomorrow...keep a smile on your face, a song in your heart and healthy food at your fingertips.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Can Zip Those Pants

Hoorah!!!! Yesterday I took a chance and went for those capri pants that I have kept in my closet for the last 4 years. I use to love those pants but had pushed them to back because...well.. there was no way I could get them over my hips and Zipped. "You know it is okay if you can't wear them yet" I gently said to myself. Just take a deep breath, keep a good mindset. I pulled them out and slid them up my legs and my hips. Yeah, okay now the real test..button, yes...I am getting elated. "Now the zipper" I encourage myself. Ever so gently I start to pull the zipper up. Over the thighs it went. I keep moving it up til I reach the waist. I hold my breath and YES, I zipped it all the way up. I am giddy with excitement. " Oh, yea, Oh, yea" I am chanting out loud as I dance around the room. "Come here mirror, you are now my friend again".

This morning when my alarm gently sang to me at 4:50 am, there was no bad side speaking to me. I am heading on this journey to fit and thin and I have kicked my bad side to the curb. Well, at least for this morning.

I wash my face and brush my teeth; quickly dress and off to OBC I head. As I start up the stairs there for my fellow campers. I love their faces. We start up the hill I love (yes I have decided to change my attitude about that hill). I am running up it...can you believe it? Half way up, Dena tells us to head to the lower hill. Yea, I am running up this baby....I quickly make my turn and head back down.

At the lower area, our other instructors are waiting. We start our warm ups and stretches. Our male instructor is telling us what we are going to do today. I am blowing through the stretches so proud that I actually can still breath after the run. He started telling us that today we were going to work on strength, agility. After that I don't remember a thing. Agility. I am horrible at that. It is going to be a long workout.

I try to keep my brain off because if I think about this workout, I might have to leave. We begin the exercises and of course, it moves to sprints and jogging. I keep encouraging myself because three of my fellow campers are next to me. They encourage me. One runs 4 miles on the weekends, and two just ran the Peachtree (which a 10K). They are my inspiration as I finish each set of drills that lead to the sprints and runs. After each set of these, we head to the curb for push ups, side planks, triceps. I am tiring but surprisingly, I am still running...a very slow run but a run. My instructor that was with me for my first PT is running beside me. I love the sound of her voice. She is reminding me of where I came from and where I am today. "Please stay next to me because I am really wanting to give in" I am thinking to myself.

We finish all the drills, runs, sprints, sit ups, push ups and head to the wet cool grass for cool down. My favorite part. I can talk during the cool down. This is a first, usually I am so out of breath that it is a miracle that I can even perform a stretch.

We are leaving and I am walking with my fellow campers. Each encouraging the other. As I pull out of the parking lot, I smile to myself. "I wonder how people you have only known for a month and have no background history of, you can love so much" I reflect. I miss them when they are not here and I hate that we do not leave in the same neighborhood. These are people I want to hang with. As I drive away I realize that I have gained so much more than just getting healthy, I have gained friends.

Til tomorrow....... keep your chin up, smile on and remember it is a great day!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I AM Going To Make It Up That Mountain

This morning was an "on my own" run. I think I mentioned that I had worked a long day on Monday. I have a deadline to meet this afternoon so last night was a late night. I just could not get up at 4:50am.

It is amazing how good and bad live inside our self. My lazy (bad) side tells me first thing "you can miss today". Thank goodness for my good side "you are doing so good, don't stop now". The good side wins out.

I dress and I am telling myself I am going to make that mountain today. Yes, I am going to do it!!! I start off with a light jog to warm my muscles...they are a little tight and sore from yesterday. I do my stretches and I am off. My virtual instructor Dena shows up. "You can do this today, I know you can". I am running..I am going to do this. I am the little engine that could as my instructor refers to me. I am going up that mountain. I pass the place where I usually give out. Yea, and then a few steps and I have to walk...I suwannee. "Keep your arms moving, you can do this" Dena encourages me. "What are you doing?" my legs are asking me. "You worked us too hard yesterday. "Us too" screams my hips. Just turn off the brain I tell myself. Dena nows adds "you have to get past your comfort zone". "Hey, I got dressed and am running". "That is where past my comfort zone today". I know she is right. So I continue to move forward.

I am pushing, putting one foot in front of the other. I am only looking at the sidewalk. I know if I look at that top of this mountain I will let my brain turn back on. "What the heck?" I am hit in the face and then the head. Okay, don't take my advice, look up. I just ran into a crepe myrtle and then the sprinkler.

I am at the top of the mountain....I kinda did it? Thank you for level ground, I want to get down and kiss it. I am in my zone now. I had mentioned to Dena about having an OBC here in my subdivision. I am now rethinking this. We don't have a lot of level ground and I would be responsible for killing a camper :-).

I am writing this blog and my blog for work in my head now. Everything is working just fine. My breathing technique is even getting better. Around the curve and on to the small hill. My ankle is now complaining but I keep moving. What is it with the body parts today? I really wish they would keep their opinion to themselves.

I am one-half of the way through and I am doing it. My legs are complaining again. So my good side speaks up "you know you are naive and yesterday even you finally realized that you were being hit on by that man". Yes, I was being hit on and I am not a flirt. But it was nice. "I don't remember you calling your best friend last month to tell her of any such incident" my good side reminds me. "This working out is really showing" she says. "You can do this". What, does my good side and Dena have a pack?

I am now on the down hill heading to the last quarter of my run. "I really wish people would put their cut limbs and stuff on the street". Now I am getting a tired and getting a little bitter. But I keep running. I am on the last leg (no pone intended) of my run. My legs are now screaming at me. Why when you need them the most do they want to bail on you? "My lungs are doing great, why can't you be like the lungs" I yell back at my legs. Dena must sense my distress. "Just keep moving, keep running". I am running I tell her and then I look down. My legs have decide to disconnect with my brain and they are just walking. I slap them back into my brain control. "We are going to finish this run..running" I tell them. "Just turn your brain off" I tell myself.

I can see the wet grass. Oh my wet grass. It is calling to me. I am sprinting at this point to lie in that wet grass. My legs have shut up and we run to the place we will call rest. I am down, I am starting my situps. I break my record from the last few days..40 today. Then over for abs -pushups on elbows and I am rocking. I count to 30. Then my obliques, I twist my hips kinda of touching the ground. I am tired...It is now time for cool down. I am moving to my stretches. I complete my runners stretch and move into my next stretch. I cannot move to the next stretch.."You told me to turn off" my smart alec brain tells me. "Cute, real cute" I respond back. "Turn back on so I can finish this cool down".

I am finished and ready to move to the next part of my day. I have this blog to write, my work blog and then a lunch meeting.

Tomorrow I will be back at OBC, I really need my fellow campers and live instructors to push me. There my brain and body keep their mouths shut.

Til tomorrow......have a great and happy day.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Operation Boot Camp...I am back

I hope everyone is recouping from the holiday. Yesterday, as I stated, I was kicking tail at work. Why do you have to work twice as hard before and after a holiday just to take off? And then call it a holiday?

I worked a 12 hour day and got to bed way after my normal 10 pm. So when the alarm went off this morning at 4:45 am, I almost talked myself out of OBC. "This is not the real OBC, this is just a few workout days before REAL OBC start". "No one will know if you decide to just stay in bed and run later". I am my own worst enemy!!! "Get your behind up, with the first stitch of workout clothes on, you will be alert". Thank goodness my good side spoke up.

I am up and off to OBC. As I turn down the street, I am looking for the cars that welcome me. There I see my instructors in their black. I love my instructors. The head instructor (Dena) meets me with a hug and my new food diary. I love their food diary, I NEED their food diary. It makes me accountable.

There is a new group this morning, only a few familiar faces. I am happy for the new campers but I really wanted my group there. :-(. It is so weird how they become part of your daily life, like family.

We start up the d*#* hill. I know we are going to run that hill, ugh! "Today, let's try having positive thoughts about the hill" my good side tells me. "Okay, I love that hill". "I am going to make it up that hill!" I scream in my head. Hey, I am not the last one and I ran up the hill!!!! Yeah to me. Wait, we don't have to run all the way up? "I'm the woman, I'm the woman" I sing to myself as I am RUNNING down the hill to the stretches. Yeah, I am going to get to that workout area without stopping. No, walking for this ole gal. Hoorah as I channel Dena.

I am pushing through the stretches. "Who is the woman" I chant to myself. Then on to the field of exercise. Today we are working our lungs. Boy, do I need this part of my body worked out. I have never smoked, but my lungs act like it. Do you think being 52, almost 53, has something to do with it?

We are doing sprints, jumping jacks, jogging, push ups, sit ups. Quickly, we are moving through to the next set of exercises. And guess what? I am still jogging between each set. I am not fast but I am not walking. This is great. I AM going to be that size 4-6 again. At my age, my desired weight is probably too little. I read in Preventive magazine that when you are in your 50's you need a couple of pounds more for the fullness in the face. But honestly, I am not going to weigh.
All I care about is the size of the clothes and how I feel.

Til tomorrow my fellow readers......And remember, food journal....and "run Forrest run".

Monday, July 5, 2010


Today, I have to hit the floor running for work. It was a great last few days off so I was at work early. It is odd that I really feel guilty that I did not get up earlier to run. I really did not think I would feel this way.

Tomorrow I start back at OBC. I am so ready. I have really pushed myself while on vacation from OBC but I miss the friendships. I look forward now to seeing my instructors and co-campers. I really want someone to check my food journal...:-)

I am taking a brief moment from work to write to you. I look at my shoulders (which I will go sleeveless now) and see the strength that is developing. I can tell how I am not as puffy in my upper chest area. And today I am wearing a skirt to show off my calves that I am liking again.

I hope that you had a chance to check out the website I sent you yesterday. I cooked yesterday for the holiday and all the foods were simple and clean. It is amazing how we add too much sauces to our food. Though I truly enjoy some of these, I am realizing how we camouflage what we are cooking by overdressing it. This time of the year, we have farmer markets near. It is great to grill fresh vegetables only adding some fresh herbs and slight olive oil. And the fruits that are available right now are so sweet and juicy. It makes me want to grow a garden, except where I live it will have to be in the community garden in town.

This is the Iron Flat Steak recipe I grilled yesterday:

1 lb. flat iron steak
fresh cracked black pepper (amount based on your personal taste)
1 tsp. cumin

First, rub fresh cracked black pepper into both sides of the steak. Mix fresh cracked black pepper and cumin together. Sprinkle this mixture over both sides of the meat. Let marinate for 4 hours. Place on grill until the desired temperature you prefer. Remove steak from grill and let it rest before slicing.

Refrigerate any leftovers and place some of the sliced leftovers over a salad.
You might want to look at Cooking Light's website for salad dressing recipes.

Bon Apetit...til tomorrow

Sunday, July 4, 2010

It was hard today!!!

Okay, I have to admit I did not want to run today. I thought about using the excuse that it was a holiday and Sunday. Then I thought about my goal. Then about the clothes I fit into yesterday, I Suwanee....okay I will get dressed.

I drank a few sips of Gatorade and off I go. It is so hard this morning. "Maybe I ran too much yesterday and my body is telling me to not do this". I am very good at rationalizing what I don't want to do. I sprint, stop, do my stretches and on to the mountain. Okay, for those people who live out west this is not a mountain. But, hey, I live just north of Atlanta, Georgia, this could be a mountain :-). I start up the hill, Dena-my instructor, voice is ringing in my head. "Yes, you are going to make it up this hill"!. Well, almost up the hill. My lungs are burning. I am bending forward I know not allowing the oxygen I need. I have to walk for just a few steps. But today, the steps are less than yesterday. I am only looking down, the thought of trying to look at the goal is too much for me. Just one step in front of the other. "You can make" say Dena, my virtual instructor.

I am at the top. "I can do this" I scream elated to myself. I am in my zone. Around the curve and I am jogging upright. I even am getting some of the fresh breath I need by breathing in through my nose. Yeah!!! I turn back to the main road. "Oh, no, not another hill!" Really it is just a very small hill but my legs are starting to feel very weak. "I am not sure I can make it today". "I think I should turn back or I may have to crawl home". "No, I started this and I am going to finish". I am really having a lot of conversation with myself. Thank you Lord, I am going down the hill (a real hill). My legs are feeling better, I may just make this.

The next part of my run is flat with only a small hill. Up the hill I go and I am again at a flat span. And here comes another small hill. "Why did I move to this subdivision?", I ask myself. I am at the last fourth of my run. Gosh I love the flat areas and am so thankful for both. I head back towards home. And of course, there is the last small hill. "You own this run, you can do this, just one step at a time" my virtual instructor encourages. I am looking down, okay just get to the fire hydrant, the mailbox, the next mailbox. I am at the top, yeah!! Dena smiles and says "you did it". I now am heading to the grass still wet from the morning dew. I LOVE that wet grass.

I drop to the ground and start my sit ups. I am going strong. Turn over and up for push ups. I am on fire now. Then obliques push ups and sit ups. Now for my favorite part...cool down. I so enjoy those stretches.

At home, I am so thankful that I did not like my lazy inner self talk me out of my run today. I am heading to my goal. I am going to fit and thin!!!!!

Til tomorrow my fellow readers. And have a great Fourth of July

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I RAN!!!!!

Today, I was very motivated. I did sleep late, but I did not let myself talk me out of running. After all, are we not all our worst enemy?

I ran, with the exception of a brisk walk for about 1 minute up the hill, 1.5 miles. And as I was running up the hill, I could hear my really thin instructor says "don't give out on me, you can do this, you got it, only a few more steps". I ran...I ran. I am still so happy.

I am really liking my body again. We are becoming friends again. I looked in the mirror half dressed and there before me were legs that I was started to like. I am loving my calves. And the cellulite is disappearing. I am in shock. Even when I was thinner, my cellulite was ugly. As I told you earlier, I did not know how to eat healthy.

Then today after I showered, I went to my closet and thought "okay, try on one outfit and if it is still tight that is okay". I tried on four different outfits, some fitting correctly and some that at least I could button them. I am so happy with the results I have from OBC. This is a program that I can live and eat the rest of my life.

I am a widow, and the guy I am dating has been out of town for almost a month. With my schedule and his he will not see me until the end of July.... He will be shocked.

I am more motivated than ever now.

Til tomorrow's run....have a great Saturday.

Friday, July 2, 2010

On My Own Now

Well, the 30 day program at OBC is officially over. I have to honestly say I am sad...does this mean I would be a great instructor?

I passed my PT yesterday beyond my expectations. I RAN the whole 1 mile, first, and finished a 1:3 faster than my original PT. I also, completed 30 situps, first I could not do any. Then on to the pushups. I completed 30 and 10 modified, in the beginning I did 20 and 15 modified. I am on the way to be a machine :-).

So now on my own til next week, I want to continue my food journal. Last night was the first night we could have alcohol. I ordered a glass of wine and took two sips. I looked at it and thought "I really am not enjoying this". So I left it on the table....a bad way to waste money :-).

Tomorrow I will websites and recipes along with my progress. I hope that this blog is helping or at least entertaining someone???????