Thursday, June 10, 2010

Second day at Operation Boot Camp

I went to bed hungry last night, wanting to eat the pantry. Why is that when you say you are going to lose weight or use the "d" word that you automatically crave food. Two days before you could go without eating all day and then, you go on a weight loss program and you are starving. It is crazy.

Today started off better than yesterday. Camp was much more fitting for me, with the exception of the morning look over your food journal. "I see you had coffee with sugar for breakfast" the thin counselor says to me. "Yes, but it was RAW sugar" (because this is so much healthier) I respond. "Sugar is not good for losing weight so do you think you could leave it off" she asks me ever so kindly. If I thought I wanted to leave it off, I would have already done so; I think to myself. I just look at her and she moves on. "You did really great on your food" she replies as we move past the awkwardness of the sugar conversation. "I see you had watermelon, berries have much less sugar contents so you might want to try these instead". I smile and respond "I know I need to drink more water" changing the subject.

I know that she means well, but could we try this just a little at a time. Hey, I know that I have 30 days to lose two dress sizes (my goal) but it is only my second day...

Today is a different workout. Up the hill with our usual run (since I am such an old timer now). I make it to the top and don't want to scream when one of the instructors tells me I am doing great. Down the hill we head, but this time our really thin instructor has a surprise. Wake up brain, I know you are not use to being up at 5:30 am, but if you do not pay attention you are going to run over the nice thin instructor. She stops abruptly and starts a different regiment of lunges down the hill. Okay I say to myself, I got this. Then she starts running again. Okay change is good. She stops again and one of my classmates tells her she has got to give us more warning. I think this girl feels like I do, I can tell we will be friends. Our really thin instructor who I would guess is use to this kind of abuse, just replies "okay let's SLOWLY jog to our next exercise". We finally make it down the hill with varies changes in types of exercises with SLOW jogging in between.

Today we are concentrating on strength building. Yeah, something I am finally good out. I give out with the cardio know the one that makes you lose weight. They are kicking our bums with crunches, band exercises for our legs and arms, push ups (plank style) and lunges. "Great workout, let's take our final run before we head to cool down" our beautiful fit instructor says to us. Thank goodness the instructor running next to me can tell that I have really pushed today and when I am halfway up the hill, behind the others, he tells me to cut through the grass. I am loving this grass. We get to cool down, my favorite part. I look across and there is our beautiful fit instructor and I am inspired and praying that it is true that your muscles have memory.

Our class is over, we head to pick up our food journals and keys. I hop in my car and head home. I arrive and jump out of the car.....wait, I slowly move with all my body aching out of the car. Guess that means I really worked hard :-).

So food journaling (is that a word) I will go today and pray that I am not starving all day long.

Til tomorrow fellow weight loss journey persons.

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